WELCOME to DynamiQs.biz
Jacklyn (EL) Shaw, Prof-Founder, Promoter
Prof. Jacklyn.EL.Shaw, Ed.Admin., M.Ed., Ed.D. (ADA, 2006; LOC), Blessed to have Taught and Published at Kabul University, 1976 & 1977, USA Peace Corps
Please see STORE for orders. Use the GUEST BOOK with contact space to send & ensure your list arrives with items, pricing and total. (Send by Email -- to know your choices).
DISCLAIMER: For ORDERS, Add EMAIL of your LIST with Pricing and total to
jacklyn@dynamiQs.biz (or jacklyn.el.shaw@icloud.com )
No Refunds. Not-for-Profit nor loss). For lifelong learners. No solicitations, exhibits.
As client, mail feedback, pro and con (three strengths and suggestions), for future.
Thank you, "Tashakor", for your time and interest. Enjoy, Shalom, Salaam-e-lekum. JELS. NOTE: See page on ITEMS INFO or DynamiQs, like for your comparative developments.
Is one who does not learn from history, doomed to repeat it?
G. Santayana (1901). History is not boring!
Travel in time, to exemplify the classic best (your past, present & future).
JJJJShawPR P.O.R.T.-FOLIOS Research (P.R.) in education
CART FOR SPECIALS. Note 2016, new items, custom pricing. Mailing address changed:
USE AFGHAN MIND MAP, 12-D DYNAMICS, AS POSTER OR QUIZ SHOW GAME. The learning techniques interface with library dynamics, interdisciplinary studies and career views. Discover 5000 Years of world history, arts, etc. Afghanistan is the established Crossroad to Asia since 1500 BC. Answer clues with question words. See poster of classic map, timeline and Quizette cards of dynamic doorways.
Pay to Jacklyn Shaw*, JJJJShaw, dynamiqs.biz,
612 W. Lodi Ave., Box 101-24, Lodi, CA 95242.
*Founder, Professor-Author, BA, Classics, UCB; M.Ed., Administrative, UNLV. Published & taught at Kabul University, two years, peak 70's; US CORPS training, RPCV; taught over 1700 teens in public schools; with multiple credentials, K-12.
NOTE custom order or on stock. Allow three to six weeks.
DISCLAIMER: Satisfaction Guaranteed. Items are limited prints and discounted pricing. No Refunds, only substitutions (like returned damaged items). Send by USPS rates. Make any cancellation notice within 72 hours (and PayPal guidelines) and please eMail:jacklyn.el.shaw@icloud.com. Send EMAIL.
Use PAYPAL, eMail, the Order form OR invoice. Note your CREDIT CARD options too.
See S&H, Shipping and Handling. Varies for USPS flat rate and third party (approx, $5-7-14-17- 23). Drop shipping, DS, is available, directly. (Range varies by the printer, weight and zip code distance.) Coupon is for exhibit event (or by code from Paypal).
CLICK SPECIALS. Afghan Mind Map: _game board, _display, _tote bag, etc. and Dynamics Lite Kit (nine item types):

Afghan Mind Map12d (postcard/s)
FOLDER/ Quizette show game 12x18 (full color card stock), for sets of THREE, onstock or 2014.

Afghan Quizettes,12d, His & Hers
BOOKLET, 12d with 6w's, Q&A (collector, desk calendar; reuse), 8x4 (full color, cardstock), $9.99

Afghan Mind Map,12d,Quizette
+GAME BOARD /master, 11x14 (or quiz show game folder): Full color, CARDSTOCK, poster (not laminated, for class set of 30). *On stock, or new, 2014. (USPS rate. If for more than one, flat rate by printer, Drop Ship.) TWO FOR LESS, $7.99.

Afghan Dynamics wall calendar
HANDBOOK, wall calendar, 12 Quizette cards with 6Ws of question words and clues; 12 rare research pictures* November / March specials (by gross rates); revised, new for 2014 (or on stock); full color paper, glossy *Most popular item, 17.99

Combo SPECIAL: Dynamics Light, East & West, pending time & interest.
KIT COMBO includes 9 items, Note: ON STOCK or 2014.3: (1) TOTE bag, varies (2) GAME BOARD /mat (11"x17"), laminated paper; OR card board master. (3) FOLDER GAME, 2014.3 (or 2011) (4) HANDBOOK (wall calendar), Afghan 12-D Quizette card images (5) BOOKLET (desk calendar): CA life cork craft; on prompts for careers, life stories OR Afghan Quizette desktop calendar (6) CARDS variety, all sizes: oversized notecard, postcard, and sample trading game card. (7) DECK OF CARDS: new large print, on stock: Quizette DynamiQs 12-D, AFGHAN, 6W, Q&A OR CALIFORNIAN,12d careers. (8) POSTER PUZZLE (two-sided, map to cards): Quizettes of Afghan mind map OR California folk art on library vistas, career outlooks & research. (OPT as precut or uncut poster) (9) SURPRISE item OR 10 minute phone orientation (or DVD, 5 min. if requested). NOTES: *Allow 3-6-10 weeks for custom orders, limited prints. *Add S&H, USPS flat box rate, $99

Afghan dynamiqs.biz TOTE BAG only
+TOTE: Afghan nomad & coin, "His Story & Hers", with learning game image of 50 year classic map and "Quizette" border cards. Image of Afghan nomad & coin, Quizette card. If mail, add USPS flat rate, $5.00. Limited, special order, also, $14.99

Afghan Mind Map Cards, deck
DECK of Cards (52, large), includes dynamics, 1-12 and wild cards (extra info); four game cards uncut folder (for uncut deck of basic 52 cards), plus gameboard folder (was three page master), for four sets (or advanced permission, by email, signed & dated, toward educator color copies, 15 for partners), TBA, $29.99

Afghan Mind Map,12d,Quizette
+GAMEBOARD MAT or wall display, 11x14 (12x18" if not opened folder), Premium Paper LAMINATED (same image as gameboard/ poster): Full color *2014 or on stock. DS, Drop Ship option, from author only, varies by wt. and zip distance (Pickup, Fed Ex., pending your custom order.) $9.99.

Afghan 12d Puzzle, all ages (by demand only; not available; see other)
PUZZLE mat/ poster, varies to 24 pieces rectangular; cardstock, 11x17; (Precut or opt for uncut poster), $16.99

Californian, 12-D, life & careers, VETERAN CRAFT
Poster and/or DECK of cards if order for five items (5). Outlooks in library studies and careers; Life story writing and MEMOIRS with prompts from unique cork craft items (up to 60 cards), $9.99

AfghanMindMap12-D display
+DISPLAY poster, 18x22 or larger, size varies (for library. quiz show, office or restaurant); minimum Cardstock, 2014 by exhibit or custom order NOTE: S&H by tube, by wt. and zip code, approx. $9.99 (or for mounted, 29.99 ), FedEx (Email, To Be Arranged.) Limited Prints. Event special, $49.00

Afghan Mind Map jigsaw puzzle (by demand; not available).
JIGSAW pieces, standard, 11x14 x 1/8 inch thick; for twelve, 12 pieces (or more) . DS, Drop shipping is available, by USPS rates in volume (approx. one for $5.75 unless more items). (If prefer 56 pieces, option to note on order form.) Allow min. 3-6 wks processing, TBA, $24.99 (or current rate)

Life Treasure Keys?