WELCOME to DynamiQs.biz
Jacklyn (EL) Shaw, Prof-Founder, Promoter
Prof. Jacklyn.EL.Shaw, Ed.Admin., M.Ed., Ed.D. (ADA, 2006; LOC), Blessed to have Taught and Published at Kabul University, 1976 & 1977, USA Peace Corps
Please see STORE for orders. Use the GUEST BOOK with contact space to send & ensure your list arrives with items, pricing and total. (Send by Email -- to know your choices).
DISCLAIMER: For ORDERS, Add EMAIL of your LIST with Pricing and total to
jacklyn@dynamiQs.biz (or jacklyn.el.shaw@icloud.com )
No Refunds. Not-for-Profit nor loss). For lifelong learners. No solicitations, exhibits.
As client, mail feedback, pro and con (three strengths and suggestions), for future.
Thank you, "Tashakor", for your time and interest. Enjoy, Shalom, Salaam-e-lekum. JELS. NOTE: See page on ITEMS INFO or DynamiQs, like for your comparative developments.
Is one who does not learn from history, doomed to repeat it?
G. Santayana (1901). History is not boring!
Travel in time, to exemplify the classic best (your past, present & future).
JJJJShawPR P.O.R.T.-FOLIOS Research (P.R.) in education
Bringing You Unforgettable Fun:
No one likes attending a boring party. Its not memorable. Its not fun. At dynamiqs.biz TREASURES, its our mission to turn every special event into an incredible experience.
For number of years, weve been providing type of service entertainment services from town to country area. From type of event to type of event, were available to provide an engaging and interactive experience for people of all ages and interests.
We make planning the entertainment for your event simple. By working with you every step of the way, we are able to meet all of your needs and those of your guests.
We are more than ready to come to your next party or function! Give us a call at phone number for a FREE consultation!
CONTESTS: Special Event Drawings, Pending Notice (TBA)
Send eMail or mail, to enter our survey drawing. Be named on Hallmark*, or win a Treasure Dynamiqs mat or item.
Enter our contest drawing, by
(a) mailing your reply to the Quizettes survey or any eMail.
(b) sending a postcard reply or your business card info.
Please join us for a next event!
What is your Q and A reply
for a favorite or special site
(past, present or future)?
NAME a special location:
city, state/area or nation
plus WOW (a feat)?
Mail or eMail your Q and A response, with contact info.
QUIZETTES ™ © 2000 Professor Jacklyn Shaw, Ed.Admin.-Author, Promoter, Seal Beach, CA
*Ask about banners (2.5x4 feet) to tote bags with postcards and game cards. Celebrate the 100 Year Afghanistan Flag, Independence (Day),
August 19, 1919.
SPECIAL EVENT? Contact by dynamiqs.biz.
It is for your special event, with description or promotional info, pending notice, for annual special drawing prize.
WINNERS receive a prize in choices (game board, mat or trading cards)
Treasure Dynamiqs mat or item
(A) Quizzette map mat,
of research pictures,
(B) Dynamiqs mat of craft art, on careers; life story writing prompts
(C) Note cards, postcards, or a DVD.
MAIL a postcard or printout --
of your Q and A survey response,
with your return address to:
Prof. Jacki Shaw
612 W. Lodi Ave., 101-24, Lodi, CA 95242
Print your full name: ..............
(Add affiliation or group.)........
street, mailing address ..........
city, state (province), nation: ...
eMail and/or phone number ....................................
* Watch for HALLMARK LIST and/or honorary member card, as a contributor, sponsor, or winner.
© Jacklyn E (Lauchland) Shaw (M. Ed., Admin., Founding Author), 1974-2013

Life Treasure Keys?