WELCOME to DynamiQs.biz
Jacklyn (EL) Shaw, Prof-Founder, Promoter
Prof. Jacklyn.EL.Shaw, Ed.Admin., M.Ed., Ed.D. (ADA, 2006; LOC), Blessed to have Taught and Published at Kabul University, 1976 & 1977, USA Peace Corps
Please see STORE for orders. Use the GUEST BOOK with contact space to send & ensure your list arrives with items, pricing and total. (Send by Email -- to know your choices).
DISCLAIMER: For ORDERS, Add EMAIL of your LIST with Pricing and total to
jacklyn@dynamiQs.biz (or jacklyn.el.shaw@icloud.com )
No Refunds. Not-for-Profit nor loss). For lifelong learners. No solicitations, exhibits.
As client, mail feedback, pro and con (three strengths and suggestions), for future.
Thank you, "Tashakor", for your time and interest. Enjoy, Shalom, Salaam-e-lekum. JELS. NOTE: See page on ITEMS INFO or DynamiQs, like for your comparative developments.
Is one who does not learn from history, doomed to repeat it?
G. Santayana (1901). History is not boring!
Travel in time, to exemplify the classic best (your past, present & future).
JJJJShawPR P.O.R.T.-FOLIOS Research (P.R.) in education
MISSION. Discover key views in life, your own and friends by Q and A.
A Great Way to Learn and Grow: Let's start working toward a brighter future.
* DYNAMIQSLITE presents learning tools with a technique with 3d-9d mind mapping
How is it like life keys? Is it by conversations? Start with Quizette show game.
Think about career views & leadership styles.
Explore communicative ways to our shared past, present & future.
Open doors to vistas in creative learning & problem solving.
Look around our website(s)
BENEFITS: Dynamiqs L.I.T.E., 12-D ™ techniques in learning will develop and grow. These are keys of communication in careers and library interests as well as attitudes (and are interdisciplinary).
NOTE FOUR GROUPS, for viewpoints:
_ What is yours (or a friend's)?
(A) Traditional, 1-3 * Social Sciences?
(B) Technical, 4-6 * Science; Tech?
(C) Performing, 7-9 * Heritage History?
(D) Leadership,10-12* Mixed, Creative, Communications
_ How does the variety make a difference in education, discussion & communication?
_ Do these match curriculum development?
Treasure DYNAMIQS TM provides professional goods and services, based on the belief that our customers' and participants' needs are of utmost importance, as partakers.
LITE/Exchange? (Learning-International-Testing/Team Exchange. This is for Treasure Keys in Careers, Cultural highlights & Interests.
--As established since 1500 BC, "the Crossroad to Asia", Afghanistan has hosted all world religions. --California, USA, gives insights with my father as WW II, Veteran & grower cork craft on Careers. L.I.G.H.T, Features? Learning-International-Game, History-Teaching or Team, with Trading Card developments: Clients can later suggest new Dynamics 12D, 6W cards on a nation, state, etc
We shall deliver you the best service and/or goods -- for all ages and higher learning, communication and creative arts. We aim for accountability that is success oriented for you and your interests.
_ Will you recommend someone to be noted in the Dynamiqs hallmark winners, sponsors or contributors in annual contests, 12-D?
We want to know.
_ If you or a team win in a timed game, puzzle or activity, send us your name and leader with eMail.
See Quizette show game board.
We welcome the opportunity to earn your trust, at affordable rates, with specials, combos and extras, like puzzle, poster, wall display/calendar, desk booklet/calendar, game board folders, game cards, postcards, mats, and more. See video /magazine links, DVD's (with learning techniques, games and tutorials, pending interest).
Since 8th grade, my goal was to become a world history teacher. As a resident at International House, UCB, I worked as a student program assistant and with international summer programs in orientations. I'm still learning how to be a better teacher in international studies.
* When I signed for Peace Corps in Afghanistan, I was assigned to Kabul University in Secretarial Business Teaching Training. Enthused by the students, I wrote a skills textbook on Research & Thesis Writing in Six Stages. Later, this developed to Pilot projects at all learning levels, with Thesis Trac Trix. JELS
Dynamiqs, 12-D, QUIZETTES™, 6W's ©2011-1996 Jacklyn E.L. Shaw
What is your Q and A reply, for a favorite or special site (past, present or future)?
NAME a special location: city, state/area or nation ...............................
6 Q&A on each Clue Card of timeline: WHERE? WHO? WHEN? WHAT? WHY (OR HOW)? plus WOW (a feat)?

Life Treasure Keys?