WELCOME to DynamiQs.biz
Jacklyn (EL) Shaw, Prof-Founder, Promoter
Prof. Jacklyn.EL.Shaw, Ed.Admin., M.Ed., Ed.D. (ADA, 2006; LOC), Blessed to have Taught and Published at Kabul University, 1976 & 1977, USA Peace Corps
Please see STORE for orders. Use the GUEST BOOK with contact space to send & ensure your list arrives with items, pricing and total. (Send by Email -- to know your choices).
DISCLAIMER: For ORDERS, Add EMAIL of your LIST with Pricing and total to
jacklyn@dynamiQs.biz (or jacklyn.el.shaw@icloud.com )
No Refunds. Not-for-Profit nor loss). For lifelong learners. No solicitations, exhibits.
As client, mail feedback, pro and con (three strengths and suggestions), for future.
Thank you, "Tashakor", for your time and interest. Enjoy, Shalom, Salaam-e-lekum. JELS. NOTE: See page on ITEMS INFO or DynamiQs, like for your comparative developments.
Is one who does not learn from history, doomed to repeat it?
G. Santayana (1901). History is not boring!
Travel in time, to exemplify the classic best (your past, present & future).
JJJJShawPR P.O.R.T.-FOLIOS Research (P.R.) in education
JJJJ SHAW, dynamiqs.biz. INTRODUCTION (or Backup plan)
Jacklyn E.L. Shaw, Founder CLICK Order Form on Menu
2715 W. Kettleman Ln, 203-150 or Specials Cart (PayPal)
Lodi, CA 95242
*Please eMail for numbers for cell phone with email fax system.
jacklyn.el.shaw@icloud.com With cell phone, leave voice message.
*SEE ENDNOTE ON PROCESSING. An authorized Purchase Order includes a PO number, organization name, bill to/ship to address, phone number, fax number and name of the responsible party.
Title: ................ Name(s) (billing party) .............................................
Job Title ..................................................................................
organization/institution .............................................................
Billing street and number .............................................................
City, state, nation, zip ................................................................. Email.......................................................................................
Fax .........................................................................................
Phone(s) ...................................................................................
Invoice or P.O. Number(s) ..............................................................
PAY TO: Jacklyn Shaw, JJJJ Shaw
EMAIL your order details or for invoice, with your billing address.
Add S&H at USPS flat rate (approx, $5-$12-$16).
For digital orders, pickup or have drop shipping.
Allow six weeks with on stock or custom order items.
Paypal has invoice/order form.
Send money order, only with item details and billing address.)
See SPECIALS CART for PayPal (or if for its invoice/order form).
SEE ORDER FORM for Purchase Order or Invoice, if not by Cart with PayPal. PRINT OUT to Email scan and/or fax, with our phone fax/email, and so forth.
Thank you very much.
*All items, full color, on stock or allow 3-6 weeks (processing limited prints).
Handbook, wall calendar
FOLDER GAME (2011; 2013, pending)
* each: 1 to sets of 10 ($.......), per 1-3
11X17, Paper, Laminated
18x24, Heavy Coat Bond (HCB)
22x28, HC Bond
24x36, HC Bond
* Opt: Heavy Coat Bond + Laminated
8x10, 26 pieces
11x14, 56 pieces
16x20, ...
MISC (for prizes, gifts, etc.)
Tote bag
Coffee mug
*Bio: Jacklyn (E.L.) Shaw, M.Ed., Admin./Founder, Prof.-Author, B.A. Classics, UC, Berkeley, M.Ed., Administrative in Higher Learning, UNLV, Nevada. Published & taught at Kabul University, peak 1970's, taught 1700 teens within 10 years, multiple credentials, K-12. jjjjshawproductions.com. (rebuilding)
Feedback is welcome by eMail: jacklyn.el.shaw@icloud.com or jjjjshaw@dynamiqs.biz
Note: Check eMail, two correct choices, given above. (We moved.) Thank you.

Life Treasure Keys?