WELCOME to DynamiQs.biz
Jacklyn (EL) Shaw, Prof-Founder, Promoter
Prof. Jacklyn.EL.Shaw, Ed.Admin., M.Ed., Ed.D. (ADA, 2006; LOC), Blessed to have Taught and Published at Kabul University, 1976 & 1977, USA Peace Corps
Please see STORE for orders. Use the GUEST BOOK with contact space to send & ensure your list arrives with items, pricing and total. (Send by Email -- to know your choices).
DISCLAIMER: For ORDERS, Add EMAIL of your LIST with Pricing and total to
jacklyn@dynamiQs.biz (or jacklyn.el.shaw@icloud.com )
No Refunds. Not-for-Profit nor loss). For lifelong learners. No solicitations, exhibits.
As client, mail feedback, pro and con (three strengths and suggestions), for future.
Thank you, "Tashakor", for your time and interest. Enjoy, Shalom, Salaam-e-lekum. JELS. NOTE: See page on ITEMS INFO or DynamiQs, like for your comparative developments.
Is one who does not learn from history, doomed to repeat it?
G. Santayana (1901). History is not boring!
Travel in time, to exemplify the classic best (your past, present & future).
JJJJShawPR P.O.R.T.-FOLIOS Research (P.R.) in education
TO: JJJJSHAW, dynamiqs.biz.
ATTN: Jacklyn (E.L.) Shaw
Fax c/o email info:
612 W. Lodi Ave., Lodi, CA 95240
Lodi, CA 95242
Email: jacklyn.el.shaw@icloud.com
PRINT OUT (Use if for data, eMail/scan or fax/phone)
Send eMail to obtain cell phone, fax service for orders.
CLICK Cart Catalog or eMail if for Paypal (or order/invoice)
See Notes. Includes S&H rates vary by item;individual/volume.
CHECK ITEM THEMES: Afghan/AMM,12d. CA/CAlife,12d. DL,12d
NOTE TYPE CATEGORIES (two page): _Booklets, _Cards, _Displays, _Folder/Game,
_Game board/mat, _Handbook/calendar, _Kit (9 items), _Puzzles, _Misc (Tote)
NOTES: All items, full color, with aim for new, pending interest, or on stock with substitutions.
Allow three to six weeks. Note: ON STOCK or custom order. (Items are limited prints).
S&H: Add Shipping and Handling, S&H, with USPS flat rate or third party rates (approx, $5-7-14-17- 23).
DS: Drop shipping is available, directly. (Note: Range varies by item, weight and zip code distance.)
CA Tax, 8.85% (prof-author, founder, truth in facts by copyrights)
Discounts are applied 10%, as group or education rate. If order is over $100.00, coupon figures at exhibit.
CART / ORDERS: Use PAYPAL, eMail, Order Form or invoice. Note your CREDIT CARD options too.
EMAIL for fax: print out of order form details or invoice with your billing address.
DISCLAIMER: Satisfaction Guaranteed. No Refunds (limited prints, at discounted rates). For substitutions, send damaged item by USPS rates. Coupons only figured at exhibit, event or retailer.
Make any cancellation notice by PayPal guidelines or 72 hour cancellation. Email: jjjjshaw@verizon.net
CHECK ITEMS: Afghan/AMM. CA/CAlife. DL,12d
AMM, Afghanistan Mind Map, 12-D, Quizettes (classic map, timeline & cards); quiz show?
CAlife, California life, 12-D, Doorway/views to careers/library, with folk art; orientation?
DL.12d: Dynamics LIte, 3d-9d mind mapping, creative workshop? with/by Jacklyn EL Shaw

Life Treasure Keys?