WELCOME to DynamiQs.biz
Jacklyn (EL) Shaw, Prof-Founder, Promoter
Prof. Jacklyn.EL.Shaw, Ed.Admin., M.Ed., Ed.D. (ADA, 2006; LOC), Blessed to have Taught and Published at Kabul University, 1976 & 1977, USA Peace Corps
Please see STORE for orders. Use the GUEST BOOK with contact space to send & ensure your list arrives with items, pricing and total. (Send by Email -- to know your choices).
DISCLAIMER: For ORDERS, Add EMAIL of your LIST with Pricing and total to
jacklyn@dynamiQs.biz (or jacklyn.el.shaw@icloud.com )
No Refunds. Not-for-Profit nor loss). For lifelong learners. No solicitations, exhibits.
As client, mail feedback, pro and con (three strengths and suggestions), for future.
Thank you, "Tashakor", for your time and interest. Enjoy, Shalom, Salaam-e-lekum. JELS. NOTE: See page on ITEMS INFO or DynamiQs, like for your comparative developments.
Is one who does not learn from history, doomed to repeat it?
G. Santayana (1901). History is not boring!
Travel in time, to exemplify the classic best (your past, present & future).
JJJJShawPR P.O.R.T.-FOLIOS Research (P.R.) in education
Featuring*, 2013
(*viewed by your mail order only)

Look over Specials Cart (product images); Order Form list; Mission, etc.
Begin with new poster or game board! (Check affordable rates for teachers, librarians and other special interests.)
Life Treasure Keys? Findings:
What kind of listener or learner
are you and others?
Traditional? Technical? or Vocational?
This learning game is for See-Say-Do.
See More (on side bar) for overview.
DYNAMICS LITE poster and game board features 12-D mind mapping. Check Library Dynamics, with Doorways. With classic map, follow the 5000 year timeline. QUIZETTE cards give 6W clues for question words like when with research pictures. Quizette game show features the game board, folder game, puzzle, handbook/wall calendar, booklet/desk calendar, poster of cards, trading cards, tote bag and more.
MIND MAPPING, 3d9d of Dynamicslite is a LEARNING TECHNIQUE, from
EAST TO WEST. For USA history, can you name the success by 12d of careers?
Begin with Afghanistan education poster, 11"x17", in world history; heritage / arts.
12-D is interdisciplinary for careers (world religions; agri-business; cuisine/hosts; untapped human and natural resources, worth trillions). Since 1500 BC, this is the established Crossroad to Asia.
DISPLAY the poster for K-12, college; library; organization; agency and family.
FOR ALL LEVELS, each Player or Leader calls the round for EZ to Challenge.
PLAY Afghan Quizette show game with 50 Year Map, timeline & border cards.
USE new puzzles (2013) and poster for LIGHT OR CAVES game board rules.
Learn by activities. Discount was given toward group rates of two or more items.
THANK YOU for your interest in our education motivational and Professional and Staff Development products and services. Visit our site pages for updates.
See CART and Order Form. OR jacklyn.el.shaw@icloud.com for info, events, exhibits, etc.
Jacklyn Shaw (Founder, Prof-Author)*
JJJJSHAW, dynamiqs.biz.
*M.Ed., Administrative Services, Higher Learning, multiple credentials,
multiple subjects K-12, humanities, social sciences, & learning specialist, K-12.
*Published (textbook and article with ongoing research proposals).
Taught at Kabul University, '76 and '77. US Corp training and inservices, RPCV.
In 23 years, taught 2030 teens plus 400 adults, multiple subjects.
Honors: World Trade and Tourism Association, Chancellor's Advisory Committee in Foreign Student Advising, International Poet Society (and Persian Festival). Exhibitor at Events and Fundraising Forums and Benefits.
* Maintain credits and marks. All rights reserved. Contact for mutual interests.

Life Treasure Keys?